Rangoon, '42 (2008) was a scenario that ran in Aces High in August, 2008. The basic motivation was to have a scenario based on a Japanese bombing capaign against an Allied-defended Rangoon in 1942.
Pictorial after-action reports:
Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 3
Frame 4
Summary of Frames:
1: GL of IJN1 in A6M5b, no kills, one assist (Hurricane Mk I), died of pilot
wound short of base.
2: GL of IJN1 in A6M5b, no kills, one assist (P-40E), landed back at base.
3: GL of IJN1 in A6M5b, two kills (A-20 and Hurricane Mk I), landed back at
4: GL of IJN1 in A6M5b, two kills (two Hurricane Mk I's), two assists (SBD and
P-40E), landed back at base.
Wikipedia page on the Burma Campaign: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma_Campaign
Home page of the Flying Tigers: http://www.flyingtigersavg.com/
by Brooke P. Anderson
e-mail: brooke@electraforge.com
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