Battle Over Germany , Frame 2

After-Action Report
by Brooke, GL, III/JG1

This was a scenario that ran in the multiplayer on-line air-combat simulation Aces High.

I was the Group Leader (GL) of III/JG1, a Luftwaffe fighter group. We were flying Bf 109G-6's. Today, III/JG1 consisted of me (Brooke), bobw, Cheese, Chem, DrSpekk, Elburko, tudza, Turbo18, Seighin, Strah, Wedge, wnt2, and Xcelsior..


A map of the battle area for us. (Other groups patrolled other areas of Germany.) In frame 1, our home base was a19, in sector 10.16.

Mission 1

III/JG1's mission today was to find the bombers in our area (see map) and keep track of them, then to help attack when our other forces attacked the bomber stream. Our patrol area was assigned to be sectors 10.14 to 10.19. I figured that the US would have 3-4 separate bomber groups and that perhaps two of them would be in the northern territory assigned to III/JG1. So, I split III/JG1 into two flights, one lead by me and the other lead by Seighin. My group consisted of me, Turbo18, wnt2, Wedge, tudza, and Strah. Seighin's group consisted of him, Elburko, Xcelsior, bobw, Chem, Cheese, and DrSpekk. My group would take from a19 north, and the Seighin's group would take from a19 south. However, I told folks that the situation could easily change based on what radar (sector counters) were showing.

My flight thundering down the runway in our beautiful Bf 109G-6's. No drop tanks today, as we would need to get up to altitude as soon as possible to meet the allies at altitude early. From front to back: tudza, wnt2, Wedge, me (Brooke), Turbo18, and Strah. t=0:00

A view to the right of my 109 showing takeoff of Seighin's group. From left to right: Elburko, DrSpekk, Seighin, Xcelsior, and Chem. t=0:00

After takeoff, I had my group climb hard north and Seighin's climb hard south. We had everyone go to war-emergency power right after takeoff and use it all up during the climb to get up as fast as possible. About five minutes after takeoff, enemy sector counters started to show up on radar. This developed into a large number of sector counters in 8.18 and 9.18 then also in 8.17 and 9.17. I had my group continue to climb hard north and had Seighin's group do a 180 and climb north about a sector behind us. As the situation developed, it was clear that a large enemy force was heading east from those areas. I had my group continue to climb north to try to get on the north side of the huge group, then I'd swing us back around to the south or southwest to get into the heart of the formation from the north of them. I asked Seighin to maneuver his group as he saw fit for what I assumed was another large group a sector south of the one I was going after. He swung west about the time I swung SW with my group, which was about the same time we reached 33.9k altitude.

My flight spotting the north-most enemy bomber stream. The bombers are the lower dots in the center of the picture. There are *a lot* of enemy fighters around. They aren't all that visible in this picture, but every faint dot other than the bombers is an enemy fighter. I estimated about 30-50 enemy fighters at 34k and got out a radio report with all of the details. This was in 9.18, so we found them nice and early. From left to right: Turbo18, tudza, me, Strah, and wnt2. t=0:19

We blow through one group of enemy escorts. This is one group of about 3-4 near the bombers. t=0:19

After we blew through, we checked to see if we drew off any enemy escorts, but they didn't follow us. We turned back around to come back up the 6 o'clock of the bomber formation. I kept periodic radio updates going of location of the bombers, number of bomber formations, heading, altitude, number of escorts, and escort altitude.

Flying back up the 6 of the bomber stream. We briefly scatter some escorts, and some turn around to try to circle back on us, which for the moment takes them out of escort role. But there are still *a lot* of enemy fighters around. The cloud of black dots in the upper middle of the picture are all enemy fighters, and there are more such to the sides. The bombers are on the left side of the picture. From left to right: Wedge, tudza, and me. It is nerve wracking to be in among so many enemy fighters, all at our altitude. t=0:28

We went through the formation, trying our best to scatter escort and get them turning, but we couldn't be too aggressive in maneuvering, or we'd get slowed down and jumped. We went through and then well out in front of the bombers, then turned back around to make another pass through from 12 o'clock like before.

Going back through. Again -- lots of escorts around (all those black dots). I keep the radio reports going of locations and disposition. t=0:38

After our pass through from 12 o'clock, we again turned around and flew back up through from 6 o'clock.

Going after a couple of the escort as we come up the 6 of the bomber stream. Unfortunately, I can't close to less than about 600 on these two P-47D-11's -- they are too fast. We do disperse some fighters here and there. t=0:51

I turn slightly to go toward a group that we manage to get maneuvering a bit. We've been over the bombers for half an hour now, and I tell the guys that we can increase our level of harassment, but not to pursue low or turn hard yet. Turbo18 is below me. t=0:52

A group of FW 190's comes in. Unfortunately for our side, that group and our flight together are still greatly outnumbered. I tell III/JG1 to begin aggressively attacking escorts. t=0:54

I'm trying to line up on some P-47's, but not having much luck. t=0:57

Still plenty of P-47's and bombers around. I'm following Turbo18 toward the ever-present cloud of P-47's. t=0:58

Trying for yet another P-47, but I'm not following them into split s'es or under a cloud of their fellows, so still not much luck. t=0:59

Trying to get on some P-47's near Turbo18 who is trailing smoke, but . . .

I've got a bunch closing on me, too, and one is getting within firing range. I have to dive out. t=1:01

Like last frame, rather than just dive out, I decide to go for a run on the bombers. I close on the trailing formation. t=1:02

Putting some shots into the trailing bomber, but he's opening up on me, too. The bombers have their bomb-bay doors open.

The result is that he blows my wing off, and down I go. Turns out the trailing formation was flown by 999000, one of the most-highly regarded bomber gunners in Aces High. I suspect that he was trailing on purpose. t=1:02

Mission 2

I came back up from a19 along with tudza, wnt2, and a couple other pilots. We started climbing toward Berlin in order to intercept the still-huge enemy armada on its way back. I was a bit nervous, though, as the many newly launched P-47's were headed the same way we were about a sector behind us. But they were already at altitude, whereas we had to climb. I kept a nervous lookout to my 6.

I navigate us over the top of a returning B-24 group. It is heavily shot up, with some formations missing bombers, some bombers trailing smoke or fuel, and one poor guy down to a single bomber that is missing and aileron and the left horizontal stabilizer and rudder. I call it out on the radio and have us go after the ever-present P-47's. In hindsight, I should have gone after the B-24's. t=1:33

Chasing a P-47D-11 that I can't reel in. He's too fast for me, and 800 yards is the closest I get. t=1:37

Tangling with a P-51B behind one of the returning bomber groups. I have to break off, though, as another P-51 closes on my tail and starts firing at me while I fight this one. I dive away, and the P-51 chasing me eventually gives up. t=1:38

At this point, I was alone with no friendlies around. Being tired of seeing a sky full of enemy fighters and few or no friendlies. I was trying just to fly out of the sectors saturated with enemy fighters and to find some friendlies to join up with when a P-47 came across me and gave chase. I dove out and dove all the way to the deck trying to run away, but this guy would not let me go and was closing. Finally, I had to break and fight him. t=1:44

I put some rounds into him as we pass each other in a hard-turning fight at low altitude. I knock some pieces off and give him a fuel leak (just starting from the left side of his fuselage near the wing leading edge). I keep looking around expecting to get jumped by more P-47's as I fight this one, but I am lucky and that doesn't happen.

After more fighting, I saddle up and pour cannon rounds into him. His plane explodes a moment later.

After my fight, I climb back in the direction of egressing bombers and am very happy to finally meet up with some friendlies. A view left out of my cockpit as they come into view. From left to right: delta07, 49Nem, DerJude, coverto, Devil505, and Perdweeb and some folks I can't make out. t=2:04

There were reports of enemy bombers and location, and I headed that way.

I come across the bomber group -- some heavily beat up B-17's and ever-present escort, this time P-51's. I don't see the previous group of friendlies around, so they must have gone in some other direction. t=2:17

I quickly get P-51's closing on me. As they seem quite keen to stay on me, I fly off north with three chasing me far away from the bombers. I figure it's better to pull three escorts way off the bombers than even to shoot one of the bombers down. I dive all the way to about 600 mph true, well into compressibility, and one of them stays with me all the way to the north coast and one of the ports before breaking off.

After they broke off, I climbed back up to 33.9k to look for any stragglers to attack. According to radar, there were still plenty of them around, but nowhere near as many as during the main assault.

I come across a P-47. I can't close on him, but I put some machinegun rounds into him at very long range. He's smart and doesn't do a break turn, though, and continues to pull away. I have only about 4 minuts of fuel left at this point, so I break off. t=2:39

When I broke off, though, he reversed and came after me, along with one other P-47 that showed up. I was sweating it, as I didn't have enough fuel to get into a fight at this point. I dove into compressibility and to the deck toward an airfield, and as I drew close to the airfield, they broke off.

Landing at a28. I was going to refuel and come back up, but I couldn't find the refueling stations at first. Also, groups of P-47's were nosing around the area -- one flying over the field but not attacking it. There wasn't much time left, anyway, so I called it a day. t=2:43


I shot down one P-47D-11 and landed some rounds on a B-17. I bailed once and landed once (but not at home base).

Overall, III/JG1 killed 12 aircraft and got 5 assists. I think our first mission to find and to track the bomber formations was quite successful. We found them early and put out frequent updates on their locations for half an hour, up to the point of the first Luftwaffe attack on them. At that point, we engaged escorts, got separated and attritted. A portion of us were able to regroup out of a19 and engage some more enemy fighters. It was a tough frame. Wherever I flew, I saw overwhelming numbers of enemy fighters.

-- Brooke, GL, III/JG1