After-Action Report
by Brooke, GL, III/JG1
This was a scenario that ran in the multiplayer on-line air-combat simulation Aces High.
I was the Group Leader (GL) of III/JG1, a Luftwaffe fighter group. We were flying Bf 109G-14's. Today, III/JG1 consisted of me (Brooke), Dogma911, Harpoon, Roach, tudza, Wedge, Seighin, Tom, southp4w, Cheese, Snpshot, Cam26, CRAZYiVN, SNIPER30, DrSpek, and Mako29.
A map of the battle area for us. Our home base was a47 in sector 8.5. This map shows enemy positions as of later in the frame.
Our mission originally was to protect the Stuttgart area (sector 9.4). But it became clear early on that the enemy was coming in more northerly and was heading to the Schweinfurt area. So, we grouped together with the rest of the forces originally assigned to the Stuttgart area and, under the coordination of Vasco, headed north. Scouts found and called out various formations of bombers.
III/JG1 heading north in our Bf 109G-14's. A view behind me. We are with another 109 group in advance of a collection of two FW 190A-8 groups and a third Bf 109 group. From left to right: DrSpek, Kermit, Wedge, southp4w, Mako29, Seighin, me (Brooke), SNIPER30, Cam26, Cheese, Harpoon, Roach, Boildown, CRAZYiVN, Dogma911, tudza, BigB, Snpshot, BigRat, mar, Reaper90, SIK1, and kansas2. t=0:25
Bogies sighted. Lots and lots of high dots are enemy escort (looks like about 60 of them), and the lower dots are bombers. From left to right: pervert, Shemp, Krupnski, T2Maw, IceDragn, RamPytho, me, hawk14, and SNIPER30. t=0:26
III/JG1 blows through the first group we come across -- P-38's. Bombers are visible below me in the picture. From left to right: RamPytho, hawk14, and me. t=0:26
We blew through the P-38's, then turned back around and chased the bombers and their escorts from their 6 o'clock. I didn't turn us back around too quickly, and we ended up in a several minute tail chase to get back over the bombers.
Flying up the 6 o'clock of the bomber stream. A group of P-38's are to my forward left, a group of P-47's are to my forward right, the bombers are below, and some other group of escorts is to my forward right (all of the dots). I am working to chase down any fighters I can, and have instructed III/JG1 to go after any fighters they can. t=0:34
The P-38's weave over to the right, and I try to intercept them. But they are too fast for me, and I can't close enough for a good shot. CRAZYiVN is up ahead, as he probably turned back sooner than I did after our pass through the P-38's. Chasing the P-38's takes me over nearer to the P-47's that were to my right. t=0:35
A view forward left out of my cockpit as I try to chase down any P-47's, but they, too, are not maneuvering all that much and stay out ahead of me. Below, some of the guys are going after the bombers while the P-38's and P-47's stay high. From left to right: ChainSaw, pigflu, and CRAZYiVN. t=0:35
I manage to get on one P-47, but he split S'es out. I don't follow and continue forward to chase the P-47's. More Luftwaffe fighters are going in on the bombers (lower right). From left to right: Snpshot, Wedge, Seighin, me, CRAZYiVN, Mako29, Major347, XPSteve, and zro. t=0:36
Chasing the P-47's, which are still staying high while more of our fighters go in on the bombers. Seighin is up there trying to mix it up and getting shot at. Shortly after this, he has to dive out either due to damage or to avoid getting swarmed. We are near a44 currently, in 9.8. t=0:36
A view below me as I chase P-47's. We have *a lot* of fighters in on the bombers. The smoke trail below me is a bomber going down. t=0:36
About this time, first the P-38's, then the P-47's started turning around and diving to help any remaining bombers. I went after a P-38, which I tangled with a bit, and then some other P-38's came after me.
I evade shots from one of the P-38's trying to shoot me. We have the enemy outnumbered down low, but up higher, things are more even. t=0:39
I got flushed lower by the 2-3 P-38's that were attacking me. There was a mixture of US fighters down lower mixing it up with the LW fighters. During one of my evasives, I ended up near a P-47, which I then went after.
A view through my gunsight as I put a bunch of rounds into the P-47's right wing. His wing shears off a moment later, and down he goes. t=0:40
After my fight with the P-47, I was able to get back on the P-38's, as they were still in the area mixing it up. I got into a lengthy fight with one of them that took us down to the deck.
I put a final solid burst of cannon into the P-38, which sheds its aileron and flaps on one side, sprouts a fuel leak, and then loses its tail. t=0:43
At this point, I was no longer near any fights, and the fights were wrapped up anyway. I asked if there was a rally point for everyone, and then headed to it (9.6.7 at the time).
Along the way, I came right across a P-38 below me and didn't even see it. Mako29 called it out, and I waggled my wings some to look around and still didn't see it (not waggling too steeply, as I was up near 30k and climbing). When he mentioned it, I figured it was out of sight of me and that I'd never catch it, so I continued to the rally point. t=0:51
I wasn't able to stay at the rally point long, as I was down to 5 minutes of fuel. I went and refueled at our home base (a47). Then I came back up to head to a new rally point that was picked to try to cut off bombers that were egressing.
A view behind me as a goodly number of Luftwaffe fighters rally to go for a later US bombing strike deeper in German territory. Vasco is helping to coordinate it. From left to right: KKEN, Cheese, potNpans, HiSpd, tudza, WldWeasl, Chance, Hopper, Doc72CH, horble, Boingg, Hitch, D0m1n0, me, airbumba, chris3, hornis, mosca1, fuzeman, skulls22, Vasco, Roach, Ditto, Hobo, (some folks I can't make out), and Frodo. t=1:26
As we got into the reported location of the egressing bombers, we picked up bogies and headed toward them, with III/JG1 among the fighters out front of the FW 190's.
I see P-47's and call for III/JG1 to get on them immediately, to protect the FW 190's. The bombers are the dots in the middle right of the picture in the distance. t=1:30
I try for a P-47 that is briefly 400 yards away, but he pulls away. I am chasing the group ahead of me, and they do not dive into our FW 190's. Ahead also is airbumba and proploss. t=1:30
I don't notice a P-47 maneuver around behind me. He puts a burst into my cockpit and gives me a pilot wound. I am lucky it isn't fatal. Other of our LW fighters are proceeding into the bomber stream (lower right of picture). From left to right: CANUKK, tudza, Wedge, Cheese, Frodo, d0m1n0, me, BaldEagl, Wrek, airbumba, Hitch, Hopper, and Doc72CH. t=1:30
I quickly evaded and then dove out.
Landing at a nearby field along with other LW planes needing fuel or perhaps new planes. From left to right: 4510, me, Bart2nd, and BaldEagl. t=1:34
I took back off and came across a group of LW fighters chasing a P-47 down on the deck. I had altitude, so I was able to chase him down.
Putting cannon rounds into the P-47D-25's right wing, which tore off a moment later. There wasn't much he could do -- there were at least 5 LW fighters chasing him. t=1:59
We rallied again (this time in 10.5.5) to go after any concentration of US forces remaining. From left to right: AKZoney, Crum, (can't tell), Devil505, chris3, KKEN, Vasco, WldWeasl, Dusty, potNpans, airbumba, mosca1, (can't tell), me, CANUKK, horble, and Wrek. t=2:17
More enemies are found (bogies to right of picture). I'm going after a lone P-51 that came hammering through. From left to right: me, Snotrkt, jedi25, DAKone, and panther8. t=2:23
I'm on the P-51D, but I get a "check six" call followed immediately by tracers whizzing by my cockpit. I break off a bit to look back to check my six, but it turned out to be tracers from Seighin behind me. I can't catch the P-51 thereafter. t=2:24
I get on another P-51D, but I can't close on him. I miss my shot at 400 yards, which is the best I get. t=2:30
I get on another P-51D and might be closing enough for a shot, but I get the call on the radio that another P-51 is trailing me, so I pull up a bit to look behind me, then I can't catch this P-51 anymore. t=2:32
I refuelled and came back up. After climbing away from the field, I heard a radio report of a P-51 running on the deck and tried to intercept.
Chasing a lone P-51 on the deck. I can't catch him. He's up ahead of BigRat and Ditto (against the hill to the left of the barn). t=2:44
At this point, there was very little action left. Roach and I flew to try to intercept a lone enemy plane returning home. We could tell its sector by radar, but we didn't find it. Later, I found out from my film that we did get within 8000 yards of him and who it was: my Dad (Popsman) returning in a lone, shot-up B-24, with an engine out.
Me and Roach, over a47, getting ready to turn back in for landing. t=3:08
I shot down one P-47D-25 and one P-38 and got an assist on a P-47. I landed twice.
Overall, III/JG1 killed 14 aircraft and got 10 assists. Things worked well for us this frame, I think, and we were able to play our part in helping to clear a path for our 190's to get on the bombers.
-- Brooke, GL, III/JG1