Battle of Britain 2013, Frame 3

After-Action Report
by Brooke, GL, KG 53

This was a scenario that ran in the multiplayer on-line air-combat simulation Aces High.

A map of our target areas.  Mission 1 was for the fighter hangars at Lympne (a72), Hawkinge (a73), and Manston (a46) -- all in sector 12.11.  I decided that we'll also go for radar at Rye (v70), Dover (v75), and Foreland (v47) if it was up as well, since we could head to v70 then head NE up the coast for all of it.  Mission 2 was for the fighter hangars at Kenley (a40) and Croydon (a35) in sector 10.11.

Mission 1

KG 53, in our stylish He 111H's, nearing the coast of France.  From left to right:  Beefcake, APDrone, Wildcat1, tudza, Fatback, asterix, Soulyss, me (Brooke), Sg, Volron, and Popsman.  t=0:29

A look from under KG 53 as first enemies show up 12 o'clock high.  A flight of Spitfires and a flight of Hurricanes find us well into the Channel.  Lots of Luftwaffe escorts are up there, so it must be very nerve wracking for the RAF pilots.  Above us are pilots from several groups, including the CO of the Luftwaffe, Redtail7.  t=0:33

A view at my and APDrone's bombers, looking toward KG 54.  Some RAF fighters are making runs through us (hence the tracers from our defensive fire), but more enemies initially attacked KG 54.  t=0:33

I fire back at an attacking Hurricane, getting hits.  Lots of escort is up there helping to keep us safe.  They are wisely not all jumping on one or two enemies racing through but instead are dispatching a fighter or two on each attacker -- which is perfect.  t=0:34

A view back through my bottom, rear gunnery position.  The enemy is making runs through our formation a few at a time.  With all of the bomber defensive fire and all of the escorts, they usually get one pass at most.  Here, one Hurricane is going down, one is trailing smoke, a couple of Spitfires were driven low, and one Spitfire 5000 yards back is trying to get to us.  t=0:36

A view forward from my cockpit toward KG 54.  Escorts are driving the RAF fighters below the level of the bombers.  t=0:38

A view of our formation as we approach the coast of England.

KG 53 crossing onto English soil.  v70 is visible ahead.  By this time, escorts have cleared off all RAF attackers.  Beefcake is assigned to take out the radar there, which he does.  Then we do a right turn to head up the coast.  t=0:39

Bombs away on Lympne (a72).  I clobber my assigned fighter hangar.  Visible ahead is Hawkinge (a73).  t=0:44

Bombs away on Hawkinge (a73).  I destroy my assigned FH.  Behind me, Lympne is visible with all three FH's down.  t=0:45

I'm shooting at enemies that are closing from 6 o'clock.  Escorts warned us well in advance.  Looks like a flight of Hurricanes, and a flight of Spitfires coming in from very high 6.  t=0:46

We and our escorts fight our way to Manston (a46).  Sg and Popsman about the time of drop.  In the meantime, Soulyss has destroyed the radar at v75.  t=0:49

A view back from my bombers toward Manston.  One FH still up.  Radar at v47 is already down before we got there, and folks still with bombs are Tudza, Sg, and Asterix.  I ask Tudza to go back to hit it, and here he is veering off to go back.  t=0:51

I blow the wing off a Spitfire that is attacking Volron, who is also raking it with gunfire.  Unfortunately, one of Volron's bombers goes down, too.  Spitfires have already shot down two of Tudza's bombers, and one is in hot pursuit of his remaining bomber here.  Tudza is shot down shortly after this.  t=0:52

I turn us as a group back toward Manston.  Sg goes for a bomb drop, but a system problem causes him not to be able to release his bombs.  Fortunately, asterix still has bombs and puts them on the last FH, destroying it.  Way to go, asterix.  We and escorts clean up or drive off the reamaining attacking RAF fighters and head back out to the Channel and back to base.  t=0:56

Mission 2

KG 53 formed up and joined with escort, on the way back to England.  JG 26 is up there -- hello, Ditto and Vilkas! <S>  t=2:00

Lots more escort is up there, too. <S>, little friends!

At the English coast, attackers show up several at a time.  I get hits on an attacking Hurricane.  Like in mission 1, RAF fighters are getting attack runs on bombers here and there (which is expected and unavoidable), and the escort is flying smartly, sending only 1 or 2 fighters on each attacker.  t=2:08

Firing at a Hurricane that loses a wing and goes down.  t=2:09

One of Sg's bombers going down.  The attackers are not getting multiple passes, but they make the best of what limited chances they get and do shoot down several of our bombers.  Soon, though, defensive fire and escorts clear out the attackers.  t=2:09

Bombs away on Kenley (a40).  A burning Biggin Hill is visible in the background (hit by KG 54 -- way to go!).  I destroy my assigned FH.  t=2:21

A view back of my bombers at Kenley for a bomb-damage assessment, as we continue on toward Croydon.  Only two fighter hangars down.  That is not a very productive run.  t=2:22

A view behind my bombers of Croydon (a35).  All three FH's are down.  Lots of us still have bombs left, so I call for a right turn back toward a40 for another run.  t=2:24

As we are heading back to hit a40 again, we are attacked occasionally by enemy fighters.  Here, we fire at a pink Spitfire that is attacking Soulyss.  Sg in the picture is down to one bomber.  t=2:28

The Spitfire's wings are blown off, but then it tumbles out of control, up and back . . . and slams into Sg's left wing!  Sg loses half his left wing, but is able to bring is plane back under control enough to stay with us.  t=2:28

Bombs away again on a40.  t=2:29

My assigned FH exploding with bomb hits around it.  After this run, KG 53 is out of bombs and heads toward the coast.  Alas, three FH's still up at Kenley.

I put hits into an attacking Hurricane.  This one is piloted by a leading RAF ace:  Thrila.  t=2:31

I put some more hits into him as he zooms past and loops around for another run.

Some more hits into him, but he gets one of my bombers before diving out.  <S>, Thrila -- nice flying!

I put hits into another attacking Hurricane.  t=2:34

I blow the wing off the Hurricane.  Out of control, it nearly slams into one of my bombers.

Another attacking Hurricane.  At this point, I'm out of ammo in many of my guns, or my gunners are dead.  So, I evade as he comes in, hoping that he won't go for me or will miss.  t=2:37

The escorts drive off the last of the RAF attacks on us (a big relief for me, as my surviving bombers are quite shot up) and we head back out over the English coast, out to the Channel, then back home.  t=2:41


I destroyed four fighter hangars (a72, a73, and two at a40), shot down one Spitfire, and two assists.

Overall, KG 53 shut down a72, a73, a46, a35; killed radar at v70 and v75; got five FH's at a40; and got 13 kills and 41 assists.  Well done, guys! <S>

Special thanks to the many fighter pilots who escorted us.  Without you guys, we would have been in big trouble, and a large measure of our success is thanks to you. <S>

-- Brooke, GL, KG 53