Battle Over the Winter Line, Frame 1

After-Action Report
by Brooke, 1st FG

This was a scenario that ran in the multiplayer on-line air-combat simulation Aces High.

Mission 1

1st FG was to escort the 2nd BG (B-17's) on a mission to bomb a93 (sector 11.15), a95 (sector 9.14), and a factory (city complex in sector 8.14).

Map of battle area in Italy.

1st FG starting its takeoff run in our shiny P-38J's from our base at a113.  From left to right:  LtngRydr, me (Brooke), Delirium (our GL), and Columbo.  LtngRydr's plane had mechanical difficulties, and he was unable to go on the mission.  The bombers have taken off and are ahead (Flossy, SKOzone, and 2Slow's bombers are visible) and another P-38 fighter group is up (Joker1, SKfgALPO, SKJackD, and CorkyJr).  t=0:02

A view below me as the 2nd BG B-17's hit their target at a93.  Fighters in front of the bombers have tangled with enemies, and a B-24 group ahead and north of us has encountered enemy fighters, but we are clear.  t=0:48

A view below me as the B-17's hit the second target at a95.  t=1:03

The B-17's hitting a factory at the city complex in 8.14.  I'm up above 30k and staying a bit NE of the bombers, as that is the direction of enemy activity according to radar.  t=1:06

The bombers were clear as they headed S from the city complex and then SE along the west coast of Italy.  It looked like there was substantial enemy presence building up north of the B-17's.  Delirium and MAKAYLA went to cover Flossy, who went back to hit more targets at a95, and they ran into about 7 C.205's that attacked Flossy.  All of them headed toward the rest of the B-17's that were nearing port p106.  Delirium and MAKAYLA did a great job, and one of Flossy's bombers survived.

I see three C2's below.  MAKAYLA is tangling with them and caused them to be far to low and behind the B-17's for intercept.  I would have liked to jump in to help MAKAYLA, but at this point, I didn't see any other escorts around, so I stayed with the bombers.  t=1:24

Another C2 comes by.  From my position, it wasn't clear if he had the speed to make a run at the bombers from behind, so I dove for him, as did Columbo and perhaps Delirium.  The C2 rolled over and dove for the ground, and we let him go, as he was no longer a threat to the bombers.  t=1:26

Zooming back up to the bombers.  t=1:26

We got back in position with the bombers on their way back home to our base of a113.  There was now a large buildup of enemies NW of the B-17's, seemingly moving in a postion to cut off the bombers.  I called out the situation on the radio and positioned myself very high and at the 8 o'clock of the bombers.  Back there, I saw 2Slow trailing and got over the top of him.  Then Redtail7 came in from the west calling out a bunch of enemy fighters at 30k altitude trailing him.  I climbed and kept pace behind our bombers, looking for enemies to come in.  I was worried that they would chase down the bombers or hit the bombers as they were landing at a113, but after a bit, it looked from radar that their force turned north.  2nd BG was now clear.

I had a lot of altitude and still plenty of fuel, so I asked Del if I could head toward v92, which is where a large force of enemy seemed to be.  He said OK.  I headed over there at about 40k to scout the high ground in the area.  Nothing was up high there, which I reported, and I could hear radio traffic about fights down at the deck.  I continued toward v96, which is where the enemy concentration seemed heaviest.

On the way, I spotted a lone 190 up at about 30k and later a couple more 190's, which I reported, and continued on.  As I neared v96, I came across four 190's at higher than 30k, and I decided to make a run at them.

Lining up to make a run at the 190's from behind.  t=2:11

Normally, I would have wanted to make a run all the way up the chain, but these 190's were really hauling, and we were up very high, and I couldn't go much faster before hitting compressibility, so I went instead after the one that seemed highest.  That seemed to be the leader.  Still, I had to reduce throttle in my run on him.  The trailers evaded some, but just barrel rolls, keeping direction and speed.

The leader does an evasive before I can get much of a shot.  t=2:11

As I fire on the leader, one of the trailers takes a shot at me.

As I levelled my wings, I hit compressibility, and I wanted to get out of it as soon as possible because I was still a bit nose low and didn't want to lose all of my altitude.  I chopped throttle completely, stomped rudder, and put in full up trim.

I pop out of compressibility and pitch up into a climb.  Unfortunately, getting out of my compressibility made me slower than the fastest of the 190's I had just bounced (which were really hauling), and there were other 190's down here.  Now I was in big trouble.  t=2:11

I'm trying to run from the 190's, but they now have more speed than I do.  I start jinking.  t=2:12

I take some hits and go harder for the deck.  Also, I'm trying to figure out which direction to go -- there are 190's all over the place.  I'm leaking oil and a flap is shot off.  t=2:12

The 190 on my tail breaks off rather than follow me down.  Down lower, there are more enemies around, and a 109 takes a pot-shot at me as I go blazing past. t=2:13

I was now just trying to get out of the area as fast as I could.  I called on the radio that there were enemies all over the area near a95 area, from 30k down to the deck.  One of the 190's (not the one that broke off) was trailing me about 5k out and closing slowly but broke off when I continued south at high speed.

Finally making it all the way back to a113 after a long flight with my engine out, I see Delirium and Columbo appearing at that same moment.  Hello, guys!  t=2:38


No kills or assists, and was lucky not to be shot down.

-- Brooke, 1st FG