Version 12

An Aces High Scenario

Please read “Dates and Times” and “Main Rules” sections.

Dates and Times  

Click here for registration.  Please register for the event if you can play at least 3 frames.

If you can’t play in at least 3 frames, you can still show up as a walkon (unregistered player) on game day.

Battles/Frames:  October 5, 12, 19, 26.

Please show up at or before 3 pm US Eastern time in Special Events 2 arena -- the arena will lock after that. (For how that translates to your time, here is a time converter.)  End of frame will be nominally at 6:45 pm US Eastern time.


It is late 1943, and the allies are stuck at the Gustav Line, suffering heavy losses.

In an attempt to break the stalemate, the allies try a bold move:  an amphibious landing at Anzio, behind enemy lines in January, 1944.  If it worked, the allies would have flanked the Gustav Line and could cut off enemy supplies to the front, or push to Rome, or both.

At first, it looked like a brilliant plan.  However, while the allies consolidated their forces at the beachhead, the Germans organized a powerful counterattack.  They surrounded Anzio, and the allied forces had to fight for their lives.

In support of the operation was the XII Tactical Air Force, which worked to defend Anzio from German jabos and fighters, and which sent medium bombers and fighterbombers inland to attack enemy ground forces and to cut enemy supply lines.

The Luftwaffe responded in force, attacking allied aircraft and sending its own jabos to hit allied forces.

Join us in this fierce battle for the fate of Italy.

Spitfires, P-47’s, P-40’s, and B-26’s vs. Bf 109’s and FW 190’s over and around the Anzio beachhead.

Main Rules


Boxes are targets.  Ovals are takeoff bases.  Solid circles are air spawns, which are at 13,000 ft altitude.  Blue shaded area is allied ships.

Victory Conditions

If your side fails to do this within the frame, it will get no points at all for that frame:

Frame points:

Winner of a frame is the side with most points.  Winner of the Scenario is the side that wins the most frames.


Targets for each side are as follows in the boxes on the map:

Targets for the axis also include ships in the blue shaded box on the map.

Note on targets:  Downtimes of land targets are 5 minutes, and hardness of hangars and destroyers are 400 lbs to that they are destroyable by fighterbombers/jabos as well as level bombers.  Autoack ground guns will respawn in 0.1 minutes so that there is an abundance of strafing targets for attackers.  Manned guns stay down once destroyed.

Order of Battle

XII Tactical Air Force (20 fighters, 6 fighterbombers, 6 bombers; 32 total)

Unit Name

Aircraft Type

No. of Seats

307th FS, 31st FG

Spitfire IX


308th FS, 31st FG

Spitfire VIII


65th FS, 57th FG



99th FS, 79th FG

P-40F fighterbomber


432nd BS, 17th BG



Only P-40F’s and B-26’s can carry bombs.

Three task groups will be placed into the blue-shaded area on the map prior to the start of each frame.  The allied side should not alter their paths or make them stay out of the blue-shaded area.  The paths will be straight lines at least half a sector in length.

There is an allied task group in 7.12.9 under the air spawn.  Allies can ditch their planes within sight of that task group and have it count as a successful landing (i.e., not lose a life).

Luftwaffe (21 fighters, 6 jabos; 27 total = 0.84 x allied total)

Unit Name

Aircraft Type

No. of Seats

4./JG 77

Bf 109G-6


5./JG 77

Bf 109G-6


4./JG 2

FW 190A-5


1./SG 4

FW 190F-8 jabo


Only FW 190F-8 can carry bombs.  190F-8 can carry only the 250 kg bomb.  No rockets on fighters.

Moving Around Pilots

CO's may split groups up into separate flights and send them on separate missions as they see fit.

CO's may assign walkons as they see fit up to the limit of slots available.  If a side is overfull on game day, the axis may put extra pilots into Bf 109’s, and the allies may put extra pilots into P-47D-11’s.

CO's may move registered pilots to different aircraft if the registered pilots are willing.  But if a registered pilot wants to keep the plane he is registered for, he must be allowed to stay in that plane.

Items of Note

“Settings” section shows items set differently from defaults.

We try our best at Scenario balance, but we are not perfect, and no Scenario is perfect.  Because Scenarios are not 30 P-51’s and 10 B-26’s vs. 30 P-51’s and 10 B-26’s on a pizza map, it might end up being harder on one side than the other.


Destroy 8”, 5”, and quad 40 mm on all ships (i.e., “.det fXXbaa 1” and “.det fXXbat 1”).

Air spawns as shown at 13,000 ft altitude.

CM Items  


Welcome to the Scenario "Anzio"!

To play, please show up by 3 pm Eastern on Saturday.

If you are not registered, you are welcome to play,

but please stay in country Rook until you are assigned

to a side.

Pilots get three lives.

You use up a life if you die, crash, ditch, bail, or exit

your plane with anything other than a "landed successfully".

If you need back into the locked arena, type ".p brooke

let me in" into any text buffer.  Then try to come in

even if the arena says its locked.



Initial design:  Scenario team

Allied CO:  Brooke

Axis CO:  Perdweeb (BB:  Perdue3)

Change log

v1 (8/13/2019)

v2 (8/15/2019)

v3 (8/16/2019)

v4 (8/17/2019)

v5 (8/17/2019)

v6 (8/18/2019)

v7 (8/19/2019)

v8 (8/22/2019)

v9 (8/27/2019)

v10 (8/30/2019)

v11 (9/24/2019)

v12 (9/30/2019)