Battle of Britain 2004, Frame 2 Pictorial

Battle of Britain 2004 was a scenario that ran in August, 2004 in the multiplayer on-line air-combat simulation Aces High.

Crossing over into the skies of England. Brooke in a Bf 109E-4 is at the front of I/JG26, which runs into a lot of RAF Hurricanes (indicated by red icons). Brooke doesn't like the odds of this fight. He vaguely maneuvers around a bit, but is very nonaggressive and doesn't even close to within shooting range of any Hurris.

A while after moving away from the Hurricanes, Brooke comes across 68Daemon and his formation of 3 Ju 88's being pursued by a Spitfire and a Hurricane. Brooke is is diving in from a distance to help, but before he can close to firing range, 68Daemon's gunners have shot up the Spitfire, and it is trailing smoke.

Brooke continues closing. The smoking Spitfire broke off and dove for the deck. The Hurricane continued to close for a shot, and 68Daemon's gunners shoot him up, blowing off the Hurricane's wing! Brooke escorts 68Daemon until his (Brooke's) fuel is low enough to require heading back for refueling.

Brooke is about to land at a coastal airstrip in France. There is a Bf 109 at the refueling station, and various aircraft taking off on another mission. There is much such activity during the Battle of Britain scenario. Pilots take off for battle over England. If they survive, they come back for more fuel and ammunition or bombs; get new mission orders or form up with what's available; and head back out for another attack.

Brooke waits on the runway as other members of I/JG26 in Ju 87 Stukas start their takeoff roll. The Stukas will go on a bombing mission over England, and Brooke and Schaden (not in picture) in their Bf 109E-4's will fly escort. In Stukas from left to right: TBolt, Dace, OddCAF, and VolsCAF.

Over the English Channel, two RAF Spitfires (indicated by red icons) dive in to attack the Stukas. The Spitfires are attacking Stukas piloted by Dace and OddCAF. OddCAF is the trailing one. Brooke dives in to attack one of the Spitfires. Schaden in his Bf 109E-4 is diving in to attack, too (shown in lower left of picture).

Everyone in I/JG26 -- including the Stukas! -- attacks the Spitfires. A lengthy dogfight ensues. Brooke stays on one of the Spitfires; he and several other pilots manage to put some hits on it here and there. Eventually, Brooke gets a decent tracking shot, enough to hold down the trigger and get lots of strikes. Here, he puts hits into the Spitfire's right wing. These hits are followed immediately by more at the wing root, then the fuselage, and then the tail.

The Spitfire's wing breaks off as a result. Thin smoke trails from the tracers of Brooke's gunnery pass are still visible.

Mission 3

After the fight with the Spitfires, I/JG26 rearms and heads out on anti-ship patrol. Schaden spots an enemy fleet, over which Brooke (in his Bf 109E-4) and OddCAF (in his Ju 87 Stuka) are flying. Splashes around the ships are from antiairaft fire from the ships.

The I/JG26 Stukas attack the ships, and a couple enemy fighters nearby attack the Stukas. Brooke dives in on one of the enemies and begins to fire. Tracers from Brooke's gunfire leave white streaks streaming back from his aircraft. Schaden (in a Bf 109E-4) and TBolt (in a Stuka) are left and right most and indicated by green icons.

As the Stukas depart after their attacks, they run into more enemy fighters in the area. Brooke dives and fires upon a Spitfire. In this picture, there are 6 enemy fighters (3 Hurricanes and 3 Spitfires) and, from left to right indicated by green icons, Teufel (in a Bf 109E-4), TBolt (in a Stuka), and VolsCAF (in a Stuka). Elements of the fleet are still visible to the right.

Brooke fires at a Spitfire, which is firing at VolsCAF's Stuka, which is firing back at the Spitfire.

Brooke is unfortunately not close enough to save VolsCAF. The Spitfire blows off Vols's right wing then breaks off into a hard climb. Between the ships' AA fire and the enemy fighters, shortly, all I/JG26's Stukas are shot down, and Brooke disengages rather than get pinned down in a low fight near the enemy fleet.

After the fight near the fleet, Brooke comes across a lone Hurricane and attacks. Here, he does a diving forward pass and scores some hits on the left wing root and the cockpit canopy.

During the fight with the Hurricane, Brooke comes across Teufel, who is still in the area. Brooke drags the Hurricane under Teufel for a good setup.

Brooke and Teufel battle the Hurricane. The Hurricane has a good pilot. All of Brooke's gunnery passes go about like this: Brooke dives in and closes on the tail of the Hurricane, the Hurricane does a hard break turn right before Brooke starts firing, and Brooke misses.

Eventually, Teufel puts a good burst into the Hurricane, and it explodes.

After the fight with the Hurricane, Teufel, low on ammo, headed back to base. Brooke patrols around more and comes across Charge (in a Ju 87 Stuka) being harassed by a Hurricane. Brooke goes after the Hurricane, which stops pursuit of Charge and heads toward England.

Brooke catches the Hurricane and attacks. The Hurricane pilot is good, and Brooke's gunnery skills are not. The fight consists of repeated attack runs by Brooke during which the Hurricane successfully avoids Brooke's gunfire. After each pass, while Brooke zoom climbs back up and positions for the next run, the Hurricane quickly gets back on course toward England or, in this case, toward the protection of an English fleet the two have come across during the fight.

Brooke finally gets some hits on the Hurricane, with a strike on the right fuselage near the cockpit or engine, but it is not enough to cause critical damage. The fight is yet closer to the enemy fleet. Brooke is able to keep the fight out from the AA of the fleet, but the Hurricane eventually gets to the coast of England. Brooke doesn't want to get dragged over English coastal AA or under English coastal fighter patrols. When some high bogies appear, Brooke breaks off, and the Hurricane returns home.

After the fight with the Hurricane, Brooke goes back to spot the enemy fleet and keep radioing its position so that Stukas can attack it. While there, he eventually is pushed off by enemy fighters. Here, Brooke runs from three Spitfires and a Hurricane. Wake from a ship in the fleet is just visible left of Brooke's Bf 109 in the picture. At this point, end of mission is called, and Brooke returns to France.

Final Results

Brooke ends frame 2 with 1 kill (Spitfire) and 1 assist (Hurricane).

by Brooke P. Anderson

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