Coral Sea was a scenario that ran in Aces High in April, 2005. The basic motivation was to have a scenario based on the WWII battle of Coral Sea, with the US carriers Lexington and Yorktown and supporting ships fighting it out against the Japanese carriers Shokaku, Zuikaku, and Shoho and supporting ships, which were working on invading Port Moresby.
Frame 1 Pictorial
Frame 2 Pictorial
Frame 3 Pictorial
Frame 1 After-Action Report
Frame 2 After-Action Report
Frame 3 After-Action Report
Summary of Frames:
1. GL of VT-2, in TBM-3 2 times, 0 torpedo hits, shot down 2 times.
2. GL of VT-2, in TBM-3, 1 torpedo hit, 2 kills, 7 assists, returned to base.
3. GL of VT-Z, in B5N2 4 times, 3 torpedo hits, shot down 3 times, returned
to base once.
US Navy site on the Battle of Coral Sea:
Wikipedia entry on the Battle of Coral Sea:
by Brooke P. Anderson
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