Stalin's Fourth

Soviet T-34 in Finland.Finnish Bf 109.

Stalin's Fourth was a scenario that ran in Aces High in April, 2006. The basic motivation was to have a scenario based on the Soviet invasion of Finland in WWII, with Soviet and Finnish ground and air forces slugging it out for control of Finland.

Event Description

Frame 1 Pictorial
Frame 2 Pictorial
Frame 3 Pictorial
Frame 4 Pictorial

Frame 1 After-Action Report
Frame 2 After-Action Report
Frame 3 After-Action Report
Frame 4 After-Action Report

Summary of Frames:

1. GL of VVS10, in Boston III's, destroyed 2 VH's, 1 death.
2. GL of VVS10, in Boston III's, destroyed 4 VH's, 0 deaths.
3. GL of VVS10, in M3's, 1 base capture, 2 deaths.
4. GL of VVS10, in Boston III's, destroyed 1 VH, 1 assist (Bf 109), 0 deaths; in LVTA4, 11 objects destroyed, 0 deaths.

by Brooke P. Anderson

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