A Flight Jacket For Every Budget
To get to the point, my recommendations are:
- If your budget is $900-$1800, check out the selections at History Preservation Associates.
- If your budget is $400, get the goatskin A-2 from US Authentic. It's the best price I've found for a decently authentic reproduction of a WWII A-2 jacket. The A-2 is the iconic flight jacket. (Here's a review of the US Authentic A-2.)
- If your budget is $100-$150, for WWII, get a US Authentic B-15, and for
post WWII, get an MA-1 from US Authentic (or an Alpha Industries B-15
or MA-1 as 2nd choices).
- If your budget is $50, get a Rothco MA-1
(or Knox Armory MA-1 as a 2nd choice), which at least have some authentic features. These brands are
also sold through various distributors (amazon.com, army-surplus stores, etc.). (Here is a look at the Rothco and Knox compared to the Alpha Industries MA-1.)
The following are the main flight jackets for the USAAF and USAF, with costs estimated at three levels: lowest price (not all that authentic, but at least some features of the real thing), mid range (good authenticity), and high end (greatest adherence to authenticity, often copying features of a particular historical vendor's production run, from places like Eastman Leather and Buzz Rickson's from History Preservation Associates).
by Brooke P. Anderson
e-mail: brooke@electraforge.com
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